
We recommend that water dispensers that are not going to be used for more than two weeks should be disconnected by a qualified engineer and ideally placed in storage. If left unused for long periods of time, the microbial quality of the water inside these appliances will deteriorate, which could cause issues that require intervention.

The following procedure can be used for all water dispensers that are to be disconnected and removed from regular use.

It applies to all free-standing watercoolers including the popular Uniflow Connect and Waterworks D5 Series watercoolers shown in the video.

Note: If your water dispensers are supplied on a rental contract, simply contact your rental agent and ask them to perform the tasks below. Find out if they charge for this service and get approval before booking this in.

What will I need?

  • Bucket
  • Spray & Wipe Disinfectant
  • Cleaning Cloth
  • Large Plastic Bag
  • Out of Order Sign
  • Tape


  • Turn off Water and Power - Locate the isolation valve and turn off the water supply, then switch off the power and disconnect the power from the wall socket
  • Drain the Water System - Dispense water from the front dispenser taps into your bucket and discard. Lock the dispenser taps into the OPEN position to ensure all the water is drained Empty the drip tray and replace.
    Caution: Hot Water Dispensers should be allowed to cool for 1 hour before draining the tank
  • Clean External Surfaces - Use a kitchen grade spray & wipe disinfectant to clean all surfaces of the watercooler. Allow surfaces to dry.
  • Cover the Water Dispenser - Cover the unit with a new plastic bag ensuring the dispenser area and drip tray are covered. Use tape to secure the plastic bag around the dispenser.
  • Out of Service Sign - Type up a note: OUT OF SERVICE Print on A4 paper and tape to the front of the water dispenser.